Monday, January 14, 2008


I recently a message from a friend that impressed me. It was a "handy little chart."

So, today we begin a new series with the theme "God has a positive answer." Each day I'll present what we might say...and then counteract that with what God says, along with some Bible versus to confirm the truth.

We say, "It's impossible..."
God says, "All things are possible..."
Bible verses: Luke 18:27
I remember thinking that I would never get free from compulsively overeating and food obsession. After all, I had tried every diet and weight-loss scheme in the book! BUT God held my hand and directed me to OA where I learned the skills and the steps to walk out of my misery. He set my feet on solid ground.
Today I am happy, joyous and free--thin, too. All things are possible.

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