Tuesday, January 15, 2008


We say, "I'm too tired..."
God says: "I will give you rest..."
Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest..."
This Scripture holds a special place in my heart. It was one of the first ones that I held onto and it goes back to when my mother was in the hospital. I remember her quoting it and saying, "I am so tired..." It wasn't long after that when she got a staff infection after surgery and she died.
Don't know the significance of that (now that I say it out loud), but apparently God felt that she had lived her life on earth and she was ready for a rest like none other...that perfect peace of Heaven with Him.
It's okay. For me today, I know that when I am overwhelmed, feeling like I don't have enough energy to take another step, God will carry me. I typically don't get that tired anymore because I have learned to ask for help BEFORE I fall on my face... Today I kneel down on my knees gracefully/willingly (half-smiling), instead of falling on my face, humbly begging for help.
God is always ready and willing to share my burdens. I have a responsibility to ask for guidance and direction, to listen and do as He wills. When I do that, life if good. I am at peace, even in a storm. I let go and let God.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, that was beautiful and Holy Spirit inspired...good stuff. I am feeling that I am slightly transitioning, ever so slowly, to gracefully going to my knees. I'm used to grappling and toying with a worry and then saying with much surrender, "God, please take this, I don't want it." He always says with love, "Give it to me." I can't expect him to take it if I'm not willing to give it. But, it's that easy. He is so AWESOME! Psalm 103:1-5 was awesome today! A

Pam Masshardt said...

So true. It reminds me of the poem about broken toys. God says, "How could I fix it. You never let it go?" Good question, huh?

