Monday, December 17, 2007

Just for today (from Al-anon)

In the 12-step way-of-life, I have learned that it is important to do the program just one day at a time. Today, I'll begin a series focusing on a bookmark that I received in Al-Anon. It is a list of "Just for todays"
"Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once. I can do something for 12 hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime."
This is a good one for me. When I first got abstinent with my food, giving up sugar and flour for the rest of my life would have been way too much for me to handle, BUT "just for today," I could do it.
"Just for today" I have done it for years now. It is easier (much easier) today, but I still treat each day as if it is my first day of abstinence and the last day on that I am sure to stay free and clean of resentments, and the people in my life know that I love them...


Anonymous said...

Hi, I love this bookmark, it is so awesome. I really need to stay in today. It's hard with Christmas day coming. But, Cal has promised that even though we'll celebrate Christmas at the house, he won't ask to stay. I also don't want him to ask to spend the night Christmas eve. I wouldn't sleep well with him here.
So, I need to stay in today. I don't want to look back and see how I wasted this month on worry.
Happy Birthday Jesus!
And that was interesting, your perspective on living one day at a time and that this is your last day on earth. I think I would act better towards others and not get my buttons pushed so much or often.
I look forward to more on this bookmark!Angie

Pam Masshardt said...

Thanks, Angie, it's good to see you here...

Love and peace,
