Friday, December 21, 2007

Just for today

"Just for today I will excercise my soul in three ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and not get found out; if anybody knows of it, it will not count. I will do at least two things I don't want to do--just for exercise. I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt; they may be hurt, but today I will not show it."

Hmmm, I do like to do the first one--doing something for someone without telling anyone. I feel that God sees it and that's all that matters. That one is easy.

I will do a couple of things that I don't want to do... I have been procrastinating on a couple of seemingly unnecessary things that would be nice to get done, so I will do those things today--at least two of them anyway.

I'll have to think about the third one--not showing that my feelings are hurt. I pretty much wear my feelings on my sleeve, so to speak, so my body language tells people if my feelings are hurt. And I'm not really sure if it is the honest thing to do (to not let people know if they hurt me). I'll have to think about that.

I think the "when you....I feel" statements are good. It doesn't say that the person is hurtful or mean, but my impression of what they did may have triggered something in me.

I might have to go with disagreeing with the last goal.


blairshomeschool said...

Hi Pam,

Where are you getting these "Just For Today" statements? They are nice.

I have my own "Just for Today's." Just for today I will keep my eyes on only what I need to do and not look at tomorrow's, next week's, next month's or next year's challenges!! Just for today I will keep things simple and only do what really needs doing rather than trying to "do it all."

It's been a busy six weeks, too busy. My RA is flaring like crazy because I am doing too much. My last "Just for today" is that I will not pick up or volunteer for anything new!!

:O) Christine

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is so funny, kind of. Not funny haha, but funny interesting. Yesterday, I did exercise even though I didn't feel like it. And, the girls and I left gifts on neighbors doorsteps, rang the doorbell and ran off giggling, so they wouldn't know who it was. And the last one gives me trouble, like you said, too.
Christopher said something thoughtless and I interpreted it as purposely hurtful. It was probably just thoughtless and "teenagerish". but after a few minutes I let him know that it was thoughtless and hurtful and that he needs to choose his words more carefully. And that when he doesn't show gratitude for what I do and allow him to do, it makes me not want to allow him to do these fun things. I felt better having done that. And the key was waiting long enough to plan my words and make sure I wasn't angry when I said it? I wanted God to filter it. Love this blog! Angie