Thursday, January 24, 2008


We say, "I'm always worried and frustrated..."
God says, "Cast all your cares on me..."
Bible verses: l Peter 5:7
I can be a "worry wart"...(what an awful name!), but it fits me when I am not actively working my program.
I say, "no", but God says "go" comes to mind.
Sometimes it's just so familiar to sit in my gloom and doom and my "poor Pammy" mode that it's hard to step out and trust that God has the answers to all my problems and He already has the outcome in place. He loves and cares for me. I but need to trust Him. It's that simple.
To worry and fret is a waste of valuable time!
Just for today, I commit to turning ALL my concerns over to God, so that I can let Him use my time and energy in much more productive ways.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that, too, sister! :) Worry is such a waste. I have been black and white where I worry or I don't. But, when it comes to following God's leading and doing some action it's tricky to do the action without the worry part.
Make sense? Boy, I've got a lot to learn! Progress not perfection!! Yahoo! Angie

Pam Masshardt said...

Yes, sister, it makes sense to me!

"Cast your cares" is not easy, but it's so freeing!
