Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:31, NIV
In Step 8, we look at our 4th-step inventories and write down anyone that we had hurt and for me, if I think of someone (anyone) with a cringe, I put them on my amends list. There is something that I own in the problem.
I then take each person and write a quick version of what happened, why I feel resentful (just quick one-liners to remind me of the situation), how it effected me--bringing up fear of abandonment, rejection, my self-esteem or whatever--and then MY part (why I need to make my amends).
It could look like this:
The person on my list: My step mother
The problem: She treats the other grandchildren different than my children (why I am resentful)
The effect on me: Fear of being unlovable, unimportant (fear of abandonment)--reminds me of when I was little--my younger brother seemed to get the most attention. I was jealous.
My part: Because I feel resentful, I withhold my love and compassion for her. I don't see her as kind and loving, even though she is up to the level that she can be... and I have to accept that her biological children are going to get more attention. It's just the natural course of things, and it's really okay!
I have to look to God for my satisfaction. He can and will fill all my empty holes....and I want to forgive, as God forgives me.
There is obviously more details that came out in my fourth step years ago on this one, but it is just an example of what I am talking about.
I am not l00% healed of this, but when I let go and let God take it from me, I am better...and I can show kindness, respect and love. I am happier when I am willing.
Initially I simply write down all the names of the people who come to mind...
Love and peace,
Pam from Auburn, MA<><>
My part:
Hi Pam,
I think the turnarounds are the one of the most important parts in the 12 Step process. We can't change others, we can only change ourselves. However, when we change, it often starts something rolling in others. I have had that happen so often in my relationships.
:o) Christine
I so agree...It's the ripple-down effect. I have seen that so many times. I do this "work"for myself (and to glorify God and edify others) and He uses my willingness to help others.
Love and peace,
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