Thursday, December 13, 2007

Step 11

Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out."

"Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit's wishes. Plead with him, reminding him of your needs, and keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere."
Ephesians 6:18 NLT
For me, this is elemental truth in working this program (and life) with ease...or relative hope of ease. I get on my knees faithfully in the morning to seek God's will and plan for my life. I used to fight the need to be on my knees...but today I see it as being humble before the Lord, so I do it.
I praise the and adore Him, then thank Him for the blessings and the Kodak moments, then I bring my concerns before Him. I pray for myself, and then each family member in detail. Then I pray for other people in my life. I stay on my knees for about l/2 hour.
I see prayer as asking and meditation as listening.
In the afternoon, after lunch, I meditate. I sit still (or lie down) and focus on a Scripture reading. I often choose, "Be still and know that I am God." I think on that for a while (repeating it over and over in my head) and then I shorten it "Be still and know that I am"..."Be still and know"..."Be still"...then "Be." By this point, I am in a state of oneness with God (or so it feels anyway)....
Whenever other thoughts flow into my thinking and I realize it, I go back to the beginning and start again. This is not a time for hashing over problems or thinking about life, but about God and His truth and love.
I typically fall into a trance-like state and stay still for about l/2 hour. When I "wake-up," I feel refreshed and ready to face the rest of my day.
This is the way I live my life today.
Even when I am on vacation or on the weekends, I keep my "dates" with God and spend this precious time with Him.
I have learned that I cannot maintain an intimate relationship with anyone if I don't spend time with them....and God has to be first!


blairshomeschool said...

Hi Pam,

I was thinking about how we eat three times a day and for the most part, no one skips a day, two or more between times of eating. It is so important to spend just as much care to daily eating "the Bread of Life," spending time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer.

:o) Christine

Pam Masshardt said...


Good point. I have said that if I had the choice between getting on my knees or eating my breakfast, I'd get on my knees.

