Wednesday, January 16, 2008


We say, "Nobody really loves me."
God says, "I love you."
Bible verses: John 3:1-6, John 3:34 and many more
I remember being introduced to John 3:16, and learning that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son to die for us....but learning and understanding that if I were the last person on earth, He would have died for me...personally...that was harder to grasp.
I do believe that God loves me...because I believe that the Bible is the Word of God...and He tells me so.
I like the children's songs that we sing in the daycare because they are simple truth. As the Bible says, "Come to me as a child..." That works for me.
Sometimes when I am feeling alone, I sing the well-known favorite:
"Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so."


Anonymous said...

This is important to remember. And this is a special song, simple and special. It was the first song my mom sang to my babies in the hospital :), and I hear her love and God's love for me all in one. Angie

blairshomeschool said...

Hi Pam,

I love turn arounds!! These simple challenges to wrong thinking, if believed, can change the whole direction of your life. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. There's nothing like God's Word for that.

:o) Christine

Pam Masshardt said...

Amen and Amen...I love that we can be transformed. It's the willingness to let God do for me what I could not do for myself. :)

I am willing. Use me, Lord...Make me an instrument of Your peace.

